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Our WHY Statement
To continuously build a community of Christian love pursuing a path of salvation in Jesus Christ
Our Parish Mission Statement
To proclaim the Good News of Salvation and God's boundless love as we journey in the Orthodox Faith
Please visit our Strategic Planning page at https://www.stlukego.org/parish-strategic-plan
Parish News
You may read our Parish Bulletin at http://bulletinbuilder.org/GOA-1336/
If you are an Orthodox Christian and would like to schedule a wedding or baptism, please call the Office at 413-525-4551.
Friday March 14 6 pm 2nd Salutations
Sunday March 16 Saint Gregory Palamas
Wednesday March 19 *** 5 pm Pre-Sanctified Liturgy @ Saints Constantine & Helen in Chicopee
Friday March 21 6 pm 3rd Salutations
Sunday March 23 Veneration of the Holy Cross
Monday March 24 6 pm Great Vespers of the Annunciation
Tuesday March 25 FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION (8:30/9:30 AM)
Wednesday March 26 6 pm Pre-Sanctified Liturgy @ St. George
Friday March 28 6 pm 4th Salutations
Sunday March 30 Saint John Climacus
Wednesday April 2 6 pm Pre-Sanctified Liturgy @ Saint Luke
Friday April 4 6 pm Akathist Hymn
Sunday April 6 St. Mary of Egypt ***Godparent/Godchild Sunday
Wednesday April 9 6 pm Pre-Sanctified Liturgy @ Holy Trinity
`Saturday April 12 Saturday of Lazarus 8:30/9:30 am followed by Annual Youth Retreat and GOYA 30 Hour Famine (April 11-12)
Sunday April 13 PALM SUNDAY
PASCHA is on April 20 this year!!!
*** Make your appointment for the sacrament of
Holy Confession with Fr. Panteleimon ***
A Lenten meal will follow the Presanctified Liturgies
Click here for the Parish Calendar
Ways to Stay Connected with Saint Luke's
Our Online Newsletter and Social Media Connections
Services Schedule
Sundays and Weekdays: Orthros @ 8:30 am and the Divine Liturgy @ 9: 30 am. Coffee fellowship hour following Liturgy
If you have any questions, please call us at 413-525-4551 or e-mail at saintlukego@gmail.com
Online Chapel

Annunciation of the Theotokos
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.
To join our email listserv, please send a request to saintlukego@gmail.com